
From Listed to Sold

Home Selling Guide

Coldwell Banker


Years of Experience

Thank you for considering our services for your real estate needs. With over a decade of experience in the industry, we are proud to offer you a blend of expertise, dedication, and personalized service that stands out in today's market.

Our Commitment to Excellence

We are devoted to delivering exceptional real estate services. Our team comprises experienced, dedicated professionals who understand the value of your home and are committed to navigating every market with precision and care. We strive for excellence in every transaction, ensuring a smooth and successful experience for every client.

Tailored Client Experiences

We believe every client is unique, with individual needs and dreams. Our team prides itself on crafting personalized strategies for our valued clients. From the first consultation to the final closing, our approach is tailored to fit your specific needs, ensuring that your real estate goals are met with the utmost satisfaction.

Local Expertise

Our roots are deeply embedded in the community we serve, offering unparalleled insight into local market trends and opportunities.

We Offer?

Comprehensive Market Analysis

We conduct in-depth market analyses to ensure you have a clear understanding of your property's value and the current market dynamics. Our analyses are meticulously prepared, featuring accurate and up-to-date information, which aids in making informed decisions, whether you're buying or selling.

Skilled Negotiation Process

Negotiating a real estate transaction demands a combination of skill, experience, and in-depth market knowledge. Our team excels in securing the most favorable terms for our clients, ensuring outcomes that are both beneficial and satisfactory. We maintain the highest levels of professionalism and integrity throughout the negotiation process, upholding your best interests at every turn.

Cutting-Edge Marketing Techniques

Your property deserves to be presented in the best possible light. We employ cutting-edge marketing techniques, including professional photography, virtual staging, and social media advertising, to guarantee your listing captures the attention of potential buyers. Our innovative approach ensures your property stands out in a competitive marketplace.

Ethical and Professional Standards

Our team is founded on a bedrock of trust and ethical practices. We adhere to the highest professional standards in all our transactions and interactions. Our clients' interests always come first, and we are unwavering in our commitment to honesty, integrity, and transparency. This ethical approach is the cornerstone of our business and underpins everything we do.


the Process

The real estate transaction is complex - and navigating you through every step of the sale is our expertise.

  • Initial meeting, walk-through and needs analysis
  • Sign listing agreement
  • Prepare your property for sale: repairs, updates, staging, photography, videography
  • Comprehensive disclosure package
  • Establish a competitive price
  • Launch "coming soon" marketing campaign
  • Officially list your property
  • Launch "just listed" marketing campaign
  • Private tours and mega open houses
  • Receive offers
  • Negotiate contract
  • Go under contract
  • Facilitate escrow process
  • Resolve any issues
  • Oversee appraisal
  • Coordinate and prepare signing
  • Final walk-through
  • Close!

The TR Homes

1. Initial Consultation and Goal Setting

Our first step is a comprehensive consultation to understand your specific needs, craft a personalized plan, and sign the listing agreement.

2. Preparing Your Home for the Spotlight

Preparing your home for sale is a critical step in the selling process. It involves more than just a superficial cleanup; it's about presenting your property in a way that maximizes its appeal to potential buyers.

3. Marketing That Drives Results

Most impactful marketing strategies, showcasing your home on all major real estate websites for maximum visibility. Targeted social media campaigns ensure your property stands out and attracts ideal buyers.

4. Regular Updates and Feedback

We provide regular updates at agreed intervals (e.g., weekly) to keep you informed about the current status of your listing, including showings, buyer interest, and feedback from potential buyers and other realtors.

5. Negotiation and Closing

Throughout the negotiation process, we ensure you are fully informed of all offers and their implications. Our goal is to advocate for your best interests while maintaining clear and open communication.

Initial Consultation And Goal Setting

  • Fully understanding seller's goals, preferences, and timeline.
  • Thoroughly evaluate property condition and provide personalized upgrade suggestions.
  • Conduct a competitive pricing analysis, collaboratively setting a strategic price.
  • Establish an efficient timeline for property preparation, marketing, and sales completion.
  • Develop a multi-channel marketing strategy highlighting unique property features.
  • Walk through key terms and conditions of the listing agreement, addressing concerns.

Understanding the Listing Agreement

In summary, the listing agreement is a crucial step in the home selling process, formalizing the relationship between the seller and the agent.

It sets the framework for a successful partnership, with clear expectations and responsibilities laid out.

Our commitment to you is to work diligently within the parameters of this agreement to achieve a successful and satisfying sale of your property.

Setting the Right

Setting the right price for your home is one of the most critical steps in the selling process. It can determine how quickly your home sells, as well as the final sale price.

We use a strategic approach to price your home effectively, ensuring it attracts the right buyers and offers you the best return on your investment.

An overpriced home may deter buyers and prolong its time on the market, potentially leading to a lower final sale price. Conversely, underpricing can result in a quick sale but might mean missing out on the full financial potential of your property. Thus, finding the right balance is crucial.

Factors Influencing Price Setting

  • Market Conditions: Understanding whether it's a buyer's or seller's market helps in adjusting the price to current demand.
  • Comparable Sales (Comps): Recent sales of similar properties in your area are the most significant indicator of what buyers are willing to pay.
  • Home Condition and Improvements: The state of your home, along with any upgrades or unique features, can affect the pricing strategy.
  • Location: The desirability of your neighborhood, including schools, amenities, and other locationspecific factors, play a crucial role in setting the price.

Preparing Your Home For The

Preparing your home for sale is a critical step in the selling process. It involves more than just a superficial clean-up; it's about presenting your property in a way that maximizes its appeal to potential buyers.

This preparation can significantly influence not only how quickly your property sells but also the price it fetches in the market.

  • Repairs & Updates
  • Decluttering & Depersonalizing
  • Staging Your Home For Showing
  • Enhancing Your Home's Curb Appeal
  • Ambiance Of Your Home

Repairs & Updates

First, we'll focus on any needed repairs. This can range from fixing leaky faucets to patching holes in walls. A well maintained home makes a great first impression.

Then we'll go through the home's finishes and appliances to suggest updates where necessary. Combining updates with repairs ensures your home will stand out from the competition as a turn-key property.

Decluttering and Depersonalizing

The next step in preparing your home involves decluttering and depersonalizing each space. Removing personal items like family photos and mementos allows potential buyers to envision themselves living in the space.

Decluttering also makes rooms appear larger and more inviting. This process might require you to rent storage space temporarily, but the investment is often worth it, given the impact on buyers' perceptions.

Staging Your Home For Showing

Staging the home is another essential aspect. This involves arranging furniture and décor to showcase each room's purpose and potential.

Professional stagers know how to highlight your home's strengths and soften its flaws. They can transform your space into a welcoming and attractive environment that appeals to a wide range of buyers.

Melanie Terry - i Design Spaces

Enhancing Your Home's Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is equally important. The exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers see, so it must be inviting.

Simple actions like painting the front door, planting flowers, or mowing the lawn can significantly improve curb appeal.

Ensure that any outdoor spaces, like patios or decks, are clean and well-maintained.

Creating the Right Atmosphere

Finally, it's essential to consider the ambiance of your home during viewings. Small details like ensuring the home is welllit, adding fresh flowers, or even baking cookies before showings can create a warm, inviting atmosphere.

These touches can make your home more memorable and appealing to potential buyers.

Marketing That
Drives Results

Our marketing plan is a blend of traditional methods and cutting-edge digital strategies. We understand that the right marketing approach can significantly enhance the visibility and appeal of your property.

  • Professional Photography
  • Virtual Tours And Videos
  • Print Media
  • Social Media
  • Targeted Marketing For Maximum Open House Attendance
  • Networking And Partnerships
  • Presenting Your Home To Prospective Buyers

Professional Photography

Impact of Visuals

High-quality, professional photographs are crucial for making a strong first impression. We use skilled photographers to capture your property in the best light.

Details Matter

Our photographers focus on highlighting the unique aspects of your property, from spacious layouts to intricate architectural details.

Virtual Tours and Videos

Immersive Experience

Virtual tours allow potential buyers to explore your property online from anywhere in the world.

This interactive experience is particularly effective for out-oftown buyers.

Cinematic Videos

We create engaging video content that tells the story of your property, adding an emotional appeal to the technical details.


Print Media

  • Flyers: High-quality, professionally designed flyers provide potential buyers with a tangible reminder of your property.

  • Direct Mail Campaigns: Targeted direct mail campaigns reach potential buyers in specific demographics or locations.


Social Media

Amplifying Your Home's Online Presence

  • Wide Reach: Leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, we create social media campaigns that increase visibility and engagement.

  • Targeted Ads: Our social media ads are targeted based on user behavior, location, and interests, ensuring the right audience sees your property.

  • Content Strategy: Our social media campaigns are anchored by a robust content strategy that includes highquality images, engaging video tours, and compelling property descriptions.


Targeted Marketing for Maximum Open House Attendance

  • Digital Campaigns: We launch targeted digital campaigns across various platforms, including social media and email newsletters, to create buzz and draw in a wider audience.

  • Local Community Outreach: Leveraging our local networks, we spread the word in your community, inviting neighbors and potential local buyers.


Networking and Partnerships

  • Brokers Open: Utilizing our wide network of real estate professionals, we ensure your listing is promoted within the industry.

  • Collaborations: We collaborate with local businesses and influencers to increase the visibility of your property in the community.


Presenting Your Home to Prospective Buyers

Open houses and private showings are integral to the selling process. They provide potential buyers with the opportunity to experience your home firsthand.

We coordinate and host these events, ensuring they are wellattended and that your home is presented in the best light. We also gather feedback from these showings, which can be invaluable for understanding buyer preferences and market trends.

Regular Updates
And Feedback

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful real estate transaction. We maintain consistent communication by offering scheduled updates, typically on a weekly basis, to keep you abreast of the latest developments regarding your listing. These updates encompass details on property showings, buyer interest, and feedback received from both potential buyers and collaborating real estate professionals. Our communication plan is designed to establish a strong partnership based on trust and mutual understanding.

And Closing

  • Receive And Review Offers
  • Negotiations
  • Counteroffers
  • Finalizing The Deal
  • Closing

Receive & Review Offers

When offers start coming in, we're there to help you navigate through them, providing guidance on which offers are the strongest and advising you during negotiations to ensure you get the best possible deal.


Negotiations are a critical stage in the home selling process, where offers from potential buyers are considered and discussed to reach a mutually agreeable sale price and terms. This phase requires skillful handling to ensure your interests are well-represented and protected.
During negotiations, we carefully review each offer, considering not just the price but also the buyer's financial qualifications, contingencies, and proposed timelines. Our role is to provide you with expert advice on each proposal, helping you understand the implications and respond appropriately.


Counteroffers are a common and important element in the negotiation phase, particularly when the initial offer from a potential buyer doesn't fully align with your expectations or objectives. Crafting a counteroffer involves a strategic approach to modify certain terms of the original offer, whether it's the sale price, closing costs, repair contingencies, or the closing date.

When we receive an offer that's close to acceptable but not quite there, we work closely with you to determine the most effective response. This might involve adjusting the price within a range that's acceptable to you while also considering the buyer's potential limitations or expectations.

Our experience in the market allows us to gauge the buyer's flexibility and how far we can push for terms that are more favorable to you. It's a delicate balance between maintaining buyer interest and ensuring you get the most out of your property sale. The counteroffer is communicated back to the buyer's agent, who then presents it to the buyer for their consideration.

Finalizing the Deal

Once both parties agree on terms, the deal enters the finalization stage. Here, the focus is on ensuring all agreedupon conditions are met, and the necessary paperwork is prepared.

This step solidifies the agreement and sets the stage for the official closing process.


The closing is the final step in the home selling process. During this phase, all parties involved in the transaction meet to sign the final documents.

This is when the ownership of the property officially transfers from the seller to the buyer.

The seller receives payment, and any outstanding mortgage or obligations tied to the property are settled.

After the closing, the sale is complete, and the buyer takes possession of the home according to the terms agreed upon.

Let's Sell Your Home!


Russ Sadykhov


Jessica Alves


Ronnie Cope

Contact info
Coldwell Banker

410 N Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030

DRE#: 01891106
